Members of US/ICOMOS elected two new Board members and a new slate of officers at the US/ICOMOS annual meeting, which was held at 3pm on Thursday, May 20, just prior to the 13th US/ICOMOS International Symposium. Andrew Potts of Washington, DC and Arthur Houghton, of Maryland, were elected to fill vacant positions and Wayne Donaldson, of California, was elected to a full term after completing his appointment to serve out the remaining term of a previously open position on the Board.
The new Board officers are:
Chair: George Skarmeas, Philadelphia, PA
Vice Chair: Jan C.K. Anderson, New York, NY
Secretary: Ronald Lee Fleming, Cambridge, MA
Treasurer: Jeff Soule, Washington, DC
The current roster of at-large Board members:
Lisa Ackerman, New York, NY
Suzanne Deal Booth, Austin, TX
Wayne Donaldson, Sacramento, CA
William Dupont, San Antonio, TX
Nan Gutterman, Philadelphia, PA
Arthur A. Houghton, III, Cockeysville, MD
Spencer Leineweber, Honolulu, HI
Spencer Leineweber, Honolulu, HI
Philip C. Marshall, Bristol, RI
Grover E. Mouton, III, New Orleans, LA
Andrew Potts, Washington, DC
Jon Smith, Washington, DC
Jannelle Warren-Findley, Tempe, AZ
US/ICOMOS is grateful to the service of the following Board members whose terms just expired:
Erica Avrami (former Secretary), New York, NY
Michael Devonshire, New York, NY
Stephen J. Farneth (former Vice Chair), San Francisco, CA
John Fowler (former Chair), Washington, DC
Gina Haney, Palo Alto, CA