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Alumni Testimonies

“The International Exchange Program was instrumental in helping me develop essential skillsas grow my confidence as a heritage professional. I never dreamed of working with experts in a different country and interacting so deeply with a new culture. After the exchange, I felt completely prepared to succeed in the field back home!”
– Brannon (pictured left) IEP 2023 with the Kosovo Council for Cultural Heritage

“One of the great things about the International Exchange Program is that I got to work at a variety of sites, build my network in the country, and most of all, connect with site staff, which was incredibly rewarding as a young professional! This opportunity has led me to improve my professional skills concerning architectural projects, surveying, and conservation assessment of vastly different constructive typologies than I had previously worked with.”
– Naka, IEP 2022 with the National Trust for Historic Preservation (USA)

“During my internship, I conducted a series of interviews with professionals within India, who not only taught me about the conservation profession and where it’s heading, but how I, as a young professional, can position myself to succeed and make an impact within it. Simply living everyday life in Hyderabad certainly helped me dive into the culture, and the people I met were so gracious in sharing their city with me.”
– Schola, IEP 2023 with Vasaamah Architects (India)

“The most enjoyable part of IEP was transboundary friendship that led to my understanding of transboundary perspectives. It helped me become more sensitive towards plural realities and exchange regional narratives. Being physically present in DC and engaging with young professionals across various sectors has indeed been an enriching experience for me.”
– Shinjini, IEP 2022 with the ICOMOS Sustainable Development Goals Working Group (USA)

“My internship helped me learn a new program, Arc GIS Pro, and understand how to use it in relation to heritage and the impact of climate change. I also really appreciated the opportunity to see how institutions in the heritage field, such as the NCPTT and Puerto Rico SHPO, work together.”
-Anton, IEP 2023 with the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training and Puerto Rico SHPO (Puerto Rico)

“During my internship, I gained a deeper understanding of the functioning of a NPS site, its various teams, and roles they play in preserving the place. Working in the Missions also allowed me to learn more about the local Tejana community and their history, and research on their relationship with their cultural identity.”
-Vanille (pictured left), IEP 2023 at San Antonio Missions National Park (USA)
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