US/ICOMOS has signed a new agreement with the Washington office of the National Park Service. Each year, NPS awards US/ICOMOS a grant to help support a variety of programs and activities. This year, the agreement further outlines ways in which NPS can be a more formal partner with US/ICOMOS and ways in which US/ICOMOS can benefit NPS more directly.
Symposium Co-Sponsorship
NPS agreed to serve as co-sponsor for the annual US/ICOMOS International Symposium, including the recently concluded symposium in Washington, the 2009 Symposium being planned for New Orleans, and the 2010 Symposium (location not yet determined).
The theme of the 2009 Symposium, while still being refined, is concerned with disaster preparedness and response and sustainability. The symposium’s specific focus will be guided by a Symposium Scientific Committee (SSC) composed of seven persons, designated because of their expertise in the symposium topic and sub-themes, two of which are designated by NPS. The SSC is in charge of defining and refining the symposium sub-themes, drafting the call for abstracts, selecting the symposium speakers, developing the format for the symposium sessions, and participating with the symposium rapporteurs in the drafting of the symposium’s final recommendations. A preliminary focus on two sub-themes has been proposed, including (1) preparation and implementation of sustainable cultural heritage stewardship plans for emergency preparedness and response, and (2) the identification, development and evaluation of sustainable green approaches to the protection and management of cultural heritage. As planning progresses, additional subthemes may emerge.
The theme of the 2010 Symposium will concern illicit traffic in antiquities and site protection. The location has not yet been determined.
International Contributions to CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship
US/ICOMOS will support the National Park Service’s professional journal, CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship by approaching the global network of ICOMOS members through the National and the International Scientific Committees to identify 25 to 30 individuals willing to contribute original material for publication in CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship. The call for contributions will seek three types of contributions: viewpoint essays, full scholarly articles and research reports. Selection of authors to be published will be the decision of the editorial boards of the National Park Service.

Monthly Contributions to Heritage News
Every month, on an agreed date, US/ICOMOS will electronically transmit to the Heritage Newseditor a compendium of a minimum of five, maximum of ten heritage-related news items from other countries. Topics may include financial incentives for heritage conservation, outstanding rehabilitation projects, calls for papers, and upcoming international conferences and symposia. The format for the monthly electronic submittal will be determined by Heritage News staff.