Monuments Toolkit Year in Review – This year we saw the magnitude of scope of impact that oppressive monuments have had in communities, countries and regions worldwide. This year we held our first Monuments Summer Event. Our podcast and webinar series continue to explore the nuances of the public monuments landscape.
Webinar Series
In April, we partnered with the Alliance for the Restoration of of Cultural Heritage (ARCH International) to discuss unique methods of how communities re-contextualize Soviet monuments in Budapest, Hungary.
Podcast Series
The Monumental Project hosted a two-part season series that focused on monuments of oppression in North Carolina, with Dr. Valerie Ann Johnson from Shaw University and James E Williams Jr. from NC CRED, providing listeners with powerful personal insights. Our guests spoke about the importance of positive monuments and the legal processes that have to happen for many of these statues to come down.
We are excited about the year ahead and invite you to sign up for updates!