Introducing “Bridging the Gap” Webinar Series for Emerging Professionals

We’re happy to announce the 2025 launch of a new webinar series funded by a grant from the Historic Preservation Education Foundation (HPEF). The series, entitled Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, will provide specialized preservation training to emerging professionals entering the heritage field while making this information accessible to the public.

Many believe that there is a significant gap between the preservation theory learned in classrooms and the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in preservation practice. Our training will aim to bridge this gap by addressing real-life applications that aren’t typically covered in academic settings. In a recent survey, we asked both professionals and graduate students in preservation what topics emerging professionals are not adequately familiar with when they enter the job market. Some of the most popular responses included familiarity with Section 106 and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, as well as skills in grant writing, technical writing, budgeting, and project management, among others. Our webinar series will address these topics, facilitating  stimulating  discussions, answering questions, and providing additional resources for further study.

In each webinar episode, preservation professionals from our partner organizations such as the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), the National Park Service (NPS), the National Center for Preservation Training and Technology (NCPTT), and others, will use real-life examples to address topics that are not covered in classroom instruction and demonstrate practical applications of preservation theory. In this way, our webinar series will better prepare emerging professionals for success in their transition from preservation student to preservation professional.

Each webinar and its related materials will be made available on our YouTube Channel and website so that webinar attendees can access them in the future, and so the materials can serve a wider audience of professionals who wish to expand their knowledge or are interested in making a career change. We hope to build connections with preservation programs and disseminate these resources in university classrooms around the country. As we release episodes and receive feedback from professionals, students, and universities, we can adjust our programming to better address the needs of Emerging Professionals and the sector. The project cycle will conclude with an in-person workshop for emerging professionals, to be held at our 2025 Symposium and Conference. The topic of the workshop will be decided in the future after receiving feedback during the webinar series. In this way, we will create a live in-person event where emerging professionals can expand their knowledge while networking with experienced professionals in the sector.

Subscribe to our newsletter for updates and registration information! Our first webinar will be in early February 2025.


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