The International Exchange Program would not be possible without the generous support of our Sponsors and Donors. Each contribution enables us to offer more training opportunities that facilitate the cross-cultural exchange of ideas and global best practices of historic preservation and heritage conservation.
Support the International Exchange Program

“During my internship, I gained a deeper understanding of the functioning of a NPS site, its various teams, and roles they play in preserving the place. Working in the Missions also allowed me to learn more about the local Tejana community and their history, and research on their relationship with their cultural identity.”
-Vanille (pictured left), IEP 2023 at San Antonio Missions National Park

“My internship helped me learn a new program, Arc GIS Pro, and understand how to use it in relation to heritage and the impact of climate change. I also really appreciated the opportunity to see how institutions in the heritage field, such as the NCPTT and Puerto Rico SHPO, work together.”
-Anton, IEP 2023 with the NCPTT and Puerto Rico SHPO
Support the International Exchange Program
Meet Our Partners
We would like to express our profiund gratitude to the following Sponsors and Donors who have generously contributed to the International Exchange Program since 2001. Their support has helped us provide over 700 Emerging Professionals with cultural heritage internships in over 100 countries.
2024 Program Sponsors

Past Program Sponsors

2024 Donors
Ellen Delage
Brenda Barrett
Kate Montague Perry
James Reap
Carol Reap
Pamela Jerome
Phyllis Elliin
Mary Kay Judy
Nora J. Mitchell
Satwant Singh Rihal
Past Donors
Mrs. Aribel Acosta De Rodriquez
Gustavo Araoz
Issac-Daniel Astreachan
Charles H. Atherton, FAIA
Erica C. Avrami
Katherine Howes Barth
Kathleen M. Best
Marian Bienvenu
C. Richard Bierce, AIA
Sarah Boasberg
Suzanne Deal Booth
Peter & Susan Brink
Kyle R. Brooks
Giorgio & Marilyn Buccellati
Raffaella Corrieri*
Elliot and Dori Carroll
Caroline Cheong*
Paul C. Cloyd
William S. Colburn
Douglas and Elizabeth Comer
Mrs. Ernest A. Connally
Ed Crocker
Hiroshi & Alison Daifuku
Joshua David
Hester Davis
Degenkolb Engineers
Ellen Delage
Georgia Delano
Maria De La Torre
Francoise MM Descamps
Kent Dieboldt
Mary B. Dierickx Architectural Preservation Consultants
Martina T. Discoll*
Jeff Eley
William L. Ensign
Coralie Farlee
Ms. Janet W. Foster
Steve Freyalderhoven
Shalie Gasper*
David Gibson
W. Douglas Gilpin, Jr., FAIA
Cari Goetcheus*
Sarah Goldblatt
Susan T. Goodfellow
Marylinda Govaars
Gray and Pape
William Greer
Kathryn Gualtieri
Nan Gutterman
Gina Haney*
T. Gunny Harboe
Pamela W. Hawkes
Margaret M. Hickey
Michele Hiltzik
Alison K. Hoagland
Steven Horton
Robert Hotes*
Jennifer Huang
Katherine A. Hughes*
Kathryn Irwin*
Rachel Jacobson
Thomas M. Jeffirs
Pamela S. Jerome
Sallye & Jim Jude
Mary Kay Judy*
Morag Kersel*
Russell V. Keune, FAIA
James Patrick Kiernan
Grachel Kubaitis*
Sara Lardinois*
Antoinette J. Lee
Charles Liebs
Brian Michael Lione* and Hillori Schenker
Li/Saltzman Architects, PC
Philip Cryan Marshall
James F. McConnell
Catherine Miliaras
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Miller
John Monroe*
Terry & M. Hamilton Morton, Jr.
Bonita J. Mueller
William J. Murtagh
Catherine Myers
Darwina L. Neal, FASLA
Mr. David J. Neuman
Saidee W. Newell
Kate Burns Ottovino
Mrs. Kenneth Dale Owen
Andrew Phillips
Constance Werner Ramirez
James Reap
Tina Roach*
Ilaria Rosetti*
Andy R. Rutz
Maria Sanchez-Carlo
Ann Satterthwaite
Kristin Sechler*
Eduard F. Sekler
Carol and Joe Shull
Vinita Beant Sidhu*
Simpson Gumpertez & Heger, Inc.
Ann Webster Smith
Robert E. Stipe
Samuel N. Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stone
Hisashi B. Sugaya
Mary Elisabeth Swerz
Stephen Thayer
Troy Thompson, AIA*
Patterson DeTeel Tiller
Ann Townsend
Catherine Truman
Vertical Access
Tom Vitanza
Gene H. Watson
Christine Whims
Thomas Whitehead
Robert and Patricia Wilburn
John and Nancy Wirth
Peter Wollenberg/Wollenberg Conservation
Anthony C. Wood
Barbara Zay
* indicates former intern