December Webinar: What is Your Mount Rushmore?

Join the Monuments Toolkit team from 2 – 3:30 pm EST on December 19, 2022, for an online discussion entitled “What is Your Mount Rushmore?”

This will be an informal luncheon or “coffee break” allowing for a more interactive discussion between the Monuments Toolkit Team and our live audience. Monuments Toolkit team members will reflect on new discoveries, unique perspectives, and their own personal taste on whom should be immortalized. As always, viewers will be able to participate and ask questions about the project, or any other aspects of what we have covered so far with a flexible Q&A option throughout the entire program. Bring your examples of and questions about community representation, key moments in the webinars/podcasts, and other oppressive monuments.

We hope to see you there and to close out the year with impactful discussions.

Register now to attend! 

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