The heritage of humankind — natural and cultural, tangible and intangible — is profoundly threatened by the impacts of climate change. At the same time, a community’s heritage is a source of its resilience, a template for mitigation and a guide to its climate adaptation. The multifaceted ways in which heritage and climate change intersect are reflected in the diverse array of culture and heritage related programs being offered by a disparate group of organizations at COP22. As part of its Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Knowledge Community project, US/ICOMOS is pleased to provide this selected guide to some of these events. We salute the participants who have made these important sessions possible!
You’re invited to learn more about the Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Knowledge Community project and US/ICOMOS’s work at COP22. The support of the Newport Restoration Foundation in this project is gratefully acknowledged. To see how the historic US coastal city of Newport, Rhode Island is responding to climate change, visit NRF’s Keeping History Above Water project.
The information presented here has been assembled from a variety of sources. While every attempt has been made to be accurate, this information has not been independently verified. Changes are also possible. US./ICOMOS is not affiliated with the sessions listed here except as expressly indicated.
Calendar of Events
Boufee d'air Exposition
Date: From 07 to 18 November 2016 Location: Théâtre Royal de Marrakech
Co-organizers: Fédération Nationale des Arts et de la Culture (Fed’Arts)
On the occasion of the #cop22 #Fedarts organizes in partnership with the ministry of the environment from 07 to 18 November 2016 in Marrakesh a collective painting and photography exhibition “breath of fresh air” with Douieb Youssef, Said Housbane, Youness Miloudi and other national and international artists.
More info here.
Date: From 07 to 18 November 2016 Location: Green Zone (Espace Bab Ighli Marrakech)
Dans le cadre de la COP22 qui se tiendra du 7 au 18 Novembre 2016 à Marrakech, l’association ARKANE MAROC, militante pour l’Art et toutes les formes d’expressions artistiques libres et libertaires, membre de l’Alliance Marocaine pour le climat et le développement durable (AMCDD), a obtenu la labélisation “COP22 Marrakech” pour le projet WACE (World Art COOP EXPRESSIONS) jumelé avec ARKANE AFRIKA 2 (deuxième étape).
L’association a reçu carte blanche pour engager des partenariats avec des artistes internationaux, institutions et organisations artistiques internationales militantes et engagées pour le climat.
Une scénographie orchestrée autour de plusieurs collections d’œuvres engagées pour le climat est en cours de création. Seront exposées sur un espace dédié à l’Art avoisinant les 500m2 , une collection de tableaux, sculptures, photos, vidéos, installations…etc
l’Association ARKANE a formé une coalition avec les artistes, associations et institutions artistiques internationales, dans l’objectif de créer sur l’espace de la zone société civile un événement artistique d’envergure inauguré ART’COP22. Cet évènement regroupera l’exposition internationale WACE :”World Art Coop Expressions” en jumelage avec la deuxième étape de la deuxième édition ARKANE _AFRIKA.
– Appellation : ART’COP22 :
WACE (World Art Coop Expressions) – ARKANE AFRIKA 2
– Organisation : Arkane en partenariat avec Associations internationales
– Contexte : COP22 Marrakech
– Thème : ” L’Art pour unir le monde face au changement climatique.”
– Implication de la COP 22 :
*Accord du label officiel.
*Mise à disposition d’un espace couvert d’environ 500m²
– Lieu et Date : Espace Bab Ighli Marrakech, espace vert dédié à la société civile, du 07 au 18 novembre 2016
– L’Esprit : Donner la parole aux artistes et privilégier le dialogue à traves l’art et la culture.
– Participation : Artistes des cinq continents appelés pour exprimer émotions et messages relatifs aux changements climatiques et à son impact.
– Agrégats :
1➢ Une exposition internationale d’art contemporain
2➢ Interventions publiques et projections audiovisuelles
3➢ Une animation sous forme de performances artistiques et de diffusions en publics de projets culturels liés aux changements climatiques
1 Appels aux artistes:
Arkane a adressé un appel à participation destinés aux talents du monde, dont le travail s’inscrit dans l’engagement : « l’art pour unir le monde face au changement climatique ».
A ce jour, de nombreux artistes du monde entier ont répondu à l’appel. Cette action a permis de mobiliser plusieurs artistes et organisations artistiques originaires des 5 continents.
2 Résidences des artistes:
A l’exception des artistes qui rejoignent le collectif Arkane pour exposer indépendamment leurs œuvres et créations in situ, la majorité des artistes dont les oeuvres seront exposées à la Cop22 ont réalisé leurs œuvres dans le cadre de la résidence artistique organisée par ARKANE.
Les artistes qui ont rejoint la résidence Arkane à Casablanca tout le long de cette année 2016, ont travaillé en collectif au coeur de nos ateliers de création avec un accompagnement de leur projet artistique.
A ce jour, plus de 50 artistes de tous bords qui exposeront à Art Cop22 ont bénéficié de la résidence.
Un programme minutieux est en marche en ce moement même pour accueillir les derniers artistes résidents selectionnés.
Cette création d’ envergure internationale présentera des artistes internationaux et des œuvres réalisées en rapport avec l’urgence de la lutte contre le changement climatique et la protection de l’environnement.
Imagining the Oasis of tomorrow: Integrating local traditions with 21st Century Innovations, the case of the Joudour Sahara Music School
Time: 15:00-16:30 Location: Loukkos Room (Green Zone)
Contact: Aziza Chaouni
Co-organizers: Sahara roots foundation & Zaila Association
Joudour Sahara is a Moroccan NGO run music school catering to children and youth, located in the oasis of M’hamid El Ghizlane, in the Drâa Valley, a UNESCO biosphere. Joudour Sahara offers a wide range of music education, cultural preservation and environmental programming.
UNESCO Sites and Climate Change Day at the UNESCO Pavilion (Biosphere Reserves, UNESCO Global Geoparks and World Heritage sites)
Time: All Day Location: UNESCO Pavilion (Green Zone)
Migration, l’adaptation et le changement climatique en Afrique; Les savoirs traditionnels et le rôle de la femme autochtone dans la préservation du patrimoine naturel et culturel; Le stress hydrique : la mobilité internes et la
Time: 13:00-14:30 Location: Bouregreg Room (Green Zone)
Contact: Handaine Mohamed
Co-organizers: Centre des Etudes Amazighes Historiques et Environnementales (CEAHE) Tamaynut
Savoirs Traditionnels et Changements Climatiques
Time: 19:00-20:30 Location: Souss Room (Green Zone)
Contact: BENABBI et Hichal EL MASTOURI Jamal,,
World Heritage & Water After Paris: Cultural Resources, Protected Areas & the 1.5°C Imperative
Time: 16:45-18:15 Location: Mediterranean Room 300 (Blue Zone)
Contact: Adam Markham, (Union of Concerned Scientist); Andrew Potts, (ICOMOS)
Co-organizers: InterEnvironment Institute (IE), SeaTrust Institute, UNESCO, International Institute for Water & Sanitation, ICOMOS Morocco, Stockholm International Water Institute, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), US/ICOMOS.
Resilience strategies to preserve cultural heritage & traditional water management systems associated with World Heritage sites. Sustainable water management lessons learned over generations can inform disaster risk reduction & implementation of the Warsaw Mechanism as regional water scarcity grows.
Pratiques Culturelles de Conservation de l'Environnement
Time: 17:00-18:30 Location: Ziz Room (Green Zone)
Contact: Consortium Méditerranéen pour la Culture et la Nature, Liza Zogib,
Culture on the Move: Sea Level Rise, Cultural Heritage and Climate Mobility (Blue Zone)
Time: 15:00—16:30 Location: Bering (150) (Blue Zone)
Contact: Oliver Maurice, (International National Trust Organization); Andrew Potts, (ICOMOS)
Co-organizers: Arctic Institute, US ICOMOS, International Polar Foundation, SPREP, ICOMOS, UNHCR
When communities are displaced by climate change, how can their cultures and historic sites be conserved? The many ways in which cultural heritage intersects with climate mobility will be presented by global experts, cultural leaders and traditional knowledge leaders.
Culture on the Move: Sea Level Rise, Cultural Heritage and Climate Mobility (Green Zone)
Time: 17.00 Location: UK Pavilion (Green Zone)
Contact: Oliver Maurice, (International National Trust Organization); Andrew Potts, (ICOMOS)
Co-organizers: Arctic Institute, US ICOMOS, International Polar Foundation, SPREP, ICOMOS, UNHCR
When communities are displaced by climate change, how can their cultures and historic sites be conserved? The many ways in which cultural heritage intersects with climate mobility will be presented by global experts, cultural leaders and traditional knowledge leaders.
COP22 Networking Reception Uniting those working at the intersection of culture, heritage and climate change
Time: 18h30 to 20h30 Location: UNESCO Pavilion (Green Zone)
Contact: Adam Markham,; Andrew Potts, (ICOMOS)
Report on World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate at the International Symposium of 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme
Time: 9.00 – 17.30 Location: Palmeraie Golf Palace / Hotel Du Golf, Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz 40000 The Symposium is a public event but registration is required.
Contact: Adam Markham, (Union of Concerned Scientists)
The 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme (10YFP STP) International Symposium brings together global sustainable tourism experts who are dedicated to advancing sustainable tourism and to accelerating the shift to sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in both developed and developing countries.
As part of the Symposium, Adam Markham of the Union of Concerned Scientist will speak on the World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate report released earlier this year. This report provides an overview of the increasing vulnerability of World Heritage sites to climate change impacts and the potential implications for and of global tourism. The report was produced by UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre, UNEP’s Tourism and Environment Programme and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), in close collaboration.
Espace libre pour le climat et Habitat Durable
Time: 17.00 – 18:30 Location: Ziz Room (Green Zone)
Contact: Ministère de l’Urbanisme et de l’Aménagement du Territoire/ Ecole Nationale d’Architecture de Marrakech Abdelghani Tayyibi,
Co-organizers: Chaire UNESCO Architecture de Terre, Cultures Constructives et Développement Durable; Institut Culturel d’Architecture et du Patrimoine Partners: Région de Marrakech-Safi, Autorités Régionales Marrakech-Safi, GIZ, Chaire UNESCO; ATCCDD Maroc, Association ICAP Maroc, Association Al Munia Marrakech, Association Architecture et Développement, ADEREE, IPRO CONSULT, Argilex, Collectif ReBouilding, Fondation Jardin Majorelle, Université Cadi Ayyad
La Planification Rurale éco-citoyenne : une Réponse aux Changements Climatiques
Time: 9:00-10:30 Location: Moulouya Room (Green Zone)
Contact: Association Ait Aissa pour la culture et le développement, Loubna MOUNA,

L’Agdal de Marrakech : Importance de la Restauration des Modèles Durables
Time: 15:00-16:30 Location: Moulouya Room (Green Zone)
Contact: FONDATION DE LA CULTURE ISLAMIQUE (FUNCI) Morocco, Guardione Jah Yolanda,
Co-organizers: FUNCI Espagne – Med-O-Med
Indigenous Women from Latin America Face the Climate Change from their Cultural Process of Adaptability
Time: 09:00-10:30 Location: Bouregreg Room (Green Zone)
Contact: Global Justice Ecology Project, Inc., Ivonne Ramos,
Stratégie Méditerranéenne de l'Education pour le Développement Durable : comment éduquer les jeunes et la communauté locale sur les enjeux de l’adaptation et de l’atténuation aux effets des CC?
Time: 11:00-12:30 Location: Sebou Room (Green Zone)
Contact: Club Marocain pour l’Environnement et le Développement (CMED), Ftouhi Mohamed,
Co-organizers : Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development, Arab Network for Environment and Development, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Géographiques, FLSH Université Mohamed V de Rabat
Nature et Culture : Comment les Harmoniser en Afrique
Time: 19:00-20:30 Location: Ziz Room (Green Zone)
Contact: Fondation des Cultures du Monde, Driss Alaoui Mdaghri,
Science et Culture au Service des Changements Climatiques
Time: 19:00-20:30 Location: Oum Errabia (Green Zone)
Contact: ENDA ENERGIE, Nathanlie KOFFI/ Emmanuel Seck,
Co-organizers : ENDA MAROC, Forum, Mauritanien du Climat et du Developpement Durable, Energie 2050
Climate Change: What it Means for the Natural and Cultural Heritage and the Cultures of the World
Time: 16:30 – 18:00 Location: United Kingdom (UK) Pavilion (Green Zone)
Contact: Oliver Maurice, (International National Trust Organization)
Global warming, leading to sea level rise and extreme weather events, is posing the greatest threat to the natural and cultural heritage of the world. The impacts of climate change are already having tremendous implications for the inspirational and beautiful buildings, landscapes and cultural heritage cared for by our INTO member organisations.
The destruction of culture is a fundamental breach of the principle of intergenerational equity, in that a culture destroyed or diminished within the time of the current generation will deprive members of future generations of their right to their cultural inheritance.
The opportunity to understand, celebrate and cherish one’s culture is an inherent component of social stability of all nations, of all peoples – the protection of cultural integrity is therefore a fundamental human right.
INTO, with over 70 member organisations around the world, including the National Trust, can speak with experience about some of the actions they are taking to protect their heritage from climate change and thus inform the global debate
This side event will show how the National Trust and other organisations in the UK and elsewhere are mitigating against and adapting to the worst effects through seeking to be more energy efficient and finding innovative solutions or technologies for generating renewable energy and managing the environmental impacts of climate change.
It will also show how INTO member organisations, through their education programmes for visitors to heritage sites, are raising awareness of the risks and impacts of climate change. And getting communities and individuals involved in protecting local heritage sites is an effective way of growing awareness of the importance of these places, as well as promoting responsibility for protecting and conserving them.
Speakers (in alphabetical order)
Elizabeth Brabec – Director, Center for Heritage and Society, and Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts; US/ICOMOS
Cathy Childs – Education Officer, Cayman Islands National Trust
Chloe Hampson –National Trust (England, Wales and N. Ireland) Network Manager, Fit for the Future
Oliver Maurice – Director of Membership and Advocacy, INTO
South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP) – tbc